Goodbye Buffalo Bay Reviews & Articles
Check out reviews and feature articles on Larry Loyie and Goodbye Buffalo Bay that have appeared recently. Constance Brissenden will add links as soon as possible (or search, please). This post will be a work in progress as Larry and Constance were busy working on Larry's new book The Moon Speaks Cree.
Have a look:
Legacy magazine, Fall 2009. "Elder in Demand for Childhood Stories" by Dianne Meili, Heritage to a New Generation article -- a four-page article with photos of Larry in 2009 and also in residential school. Excellent background on Larry, his goals as a writer and First Nations person, and on his (currently) four books for all ages. Legacy is an impressive Alberta magazine featuring history, education and culture.
Globe & Mail, Review of Books, excellent review by Susan Perrin.
Vancouver Sun, feature article and book review, Goodbye Buffalo Bay highly reviewed. Also in Ottawa Citizen ( and Article by Sherie Posesorski: "When parents are gone: Children's books focus on combating the loss of loving protectors"
Guelph Mercury, Cambridge Times, Goodbye Buffalo Bay as a recommended youth book
Ramona Kiyoshk -- a perceptive review at,_buffalo_bay.htm
The Valley Sentinel, April 20, 2009 -- introducing Larry to readers in the Robson Valley area -- "Author to visit McBride" by Birgit Stutz.
Also reviews in Geist ( and CM (Canadian Materials), Prairie Books NOW (Spring 2009) , among others (see earlier posts).
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