The Best Way to Get Published
The Best Way to Get Published
By Larry Loyie and Constance Brissenden
The best way to get published is to do your research.
Find out where writing like yours is published. When you start out, aim to get your writing published somewhere, somehow. I (Larry Loyie) started in the Carnegie Community Centre’s newsletter in Vancouver and in college newsletters which picked up on my early writing. It's also good to find a writers’ group where you can share your writing, and read it out loud.
Constance started writing professionally after she spent ten years working in Canadian theatre. It proves there are many approaches to your writing goals, at many stages in life.
Write, write, write! Read your work aloud to people whenever possible. It helps to see where you can improve it. Also, read, read, read. That way you'll know good and bad writing, and your own writing will improve.
There are many legitimate Canadian short story or poetry contests. They may cost a few dollars to enter. They are good because they make you shape your work and give you a deadline for tackling your goals.
Make sure the competition is legitimate.
Watch out! Some poetry contests are not legitimate. They will accept any poem and publish it in a “poetry anthology.” You must pay a hefty price to buy a copy of the book that includes your poem. This is how these publishers make money at your expense.
Self-publishing: You can publish your own book and pay the publishing costs. It’s up to you to sell the copies and all the profits are yours. You can usually publish your book faster this way.
Canadian publishers:
Depending on what you want to write and your desired audience (readers), check the internet and learn more about the many Canadian publishers. Go to the library and bookstore to see what books they publish.
For first time authors, we recommend you submit your completed book (known as the “manuscript”) to a publisher. Some publishers only require the first three chapters and a chapter-by-chapter outline. If you are a well-known author or noted expert on a subject, the publisher may only require a “book proposal.” Look on the publisher's website to see what they require.
There are books available (check with the library) on how to write a book proposal.
When your manuscript is accepted for publication, the publisher pays the cost of printing and distributing the book. You will be assigned an editor to help you polish your manuscript before publication.
You will receive a royalty for every book sold, usually around 10 to 12 per cent of the selling price of the book. Authors receive an advance on their future royalties when they sign their contract. This can range from a token amount to something sizable. Either way, it is an advance against future sales. You will not receive any more money until your book sells enough copies to outstrip your advance.
Once you are published: However you get published, be prepared to work hard to make your book known and sell copies. Canadian publishers can’t afford to do much to promote your book. It will be written up in their annual catalogues and on their website. They may take out an ad for your book. The publisher may offer some money for a book launch or to travel to a conference.
Constance always says, “We travel 200 kilometres to sell one book.” That’s how sales of my books have climbed to more than 35,000 copies. From our experience, it’s really up to you to make the book known.
Copyright Info: It’s easy to copyright your material. Please don’t send anything out without this simple copyright formula on the document. You don’t have to do more than this. It is internationally recognized and respected:
c 2009 Larry Loyie
1. copyright symbol “c” -- in a circle
2. the present year
3. your name
We wish you all the best in your writing. Publishing is not everything. Getting your story down and sharing it with others is what it is all about. There are many ways to accomplish this goal!
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