Goodbye Buffalo Bay: great readers feedback
Goodbye Buffalo Bay: What readers are saying
Please check out CM Magazine’s review of the book. Goodbye Buffalo Bay is “Highly Recommended” and received the highest rating Larry Loyie has received for his children’s books:
More feedback from readers:
Thanks so much for the copy of your new book. It is a valuable insight into life at a Residential School and a step back in time, when life was very different. We are so caught up in the here and now that we don’t take time to remember and learn from the past. When I was young, we used to travel the road through Grouard. At that time, the south part of the wooden bridge was still there. Even that part of the bridge seemed to go on forever. The whole bridge must have seemed endless. Thanks for sharing your past and giving me a reason to reflect and appreciate good parts of my past. – Judy Smith, Literacy Coordinator, Valleyview, AB
Just a note to tell you that I enjoyed reading Goodbye Buffalo Bay. Somehow the focus on the few bright moments and encounters emphasizes how unfair the whole system (and majority of controlling individuals) was. I liked the style of the book – vignettes all connected… as I am writing this a patron just asked the staff person on the desk for children’s books about First Nations people! – Laura Reilly, Children and Youth Services Librarian, Grande Prairie Public Library, Grande Prairie, AB
Thank you very much for your new book Goodbye Buffalo Bay. It’s a beauty! I LOVE it. You guys are fine artists. You are making a wonderful contribution to humanity by expressing your creativity in such a beautiful and sensitive manner. Congratulations. – Steve Heller, Lopez Island, Washington, USA
Once I started reading it (Goodbye Buffalo Bay) – I couldn’t put it down and finished it… wishing it hadn’t ended so soon!!! It was excellent and gave me more insight into what “residential life” was like for you and others Larry – much to Canada’s shame. I was wondering what happened to your cousin, Jackie – sounded like Sister Denise was particularly cruel to him. I was so glad Sister Theresa was there to offer encouragement and real learning. – Anne Robertson, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario
What a beautiful beautiful beautiful book! I LOVE it! I cried twice, laughed lots, and fell in love with Oskiniko [note: Young Man, Larry’s Cree name] all over again. Thank you so much. What a treasure. Fabulous work, you two. No Wonder you're proud of it! Awesome. – Karen Essex, Toronto, Ontario
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