We Hear From Schools
Larry Loyie and Constance Brissenden have given more than 700 presentations at schools, libraries, colleges, universities, writers' festivals, conferences and so on. We love visiting schools and really appreciate the students and teachers we meet. Here is some recent feedback:
Thank you so much for visiting our school and sharing your stories and experiences. We truly appreciate your energy and your willingness to visit rural schools.
The children and teachers enjoyed your presentations and the information you shared. They also learned from you.
Sincerely, Donna Kowalski, Acting Principal
FROM ANOTHER GREAT SCHOOL: Sir Isaac Brock PS, Guelph, Ontario:
After our presentation on residential schools
Hi Constance and Larry,
Here are some quotes & reflections from our students about your visit.
They are genuine, and haven't been "polished" in any way. Both myself and the students have learned a lot from your experiences.
Thanks again,
Sean. (Sean Cameron, Grade 6 teacher, Sir Isaac Brock PS, Guelph, ON)
Here is what the students wrote (no editing):
Larry Loyie,
we really liked how you explained your childhood and how you wrote a book about it.
Sarah & Annemieke
To: lary
From: Scott and Nicholas
We liked your books and presentation when you came to S.I.B.
We liked when you didn't just talk about your books you talked much about your childhood.
To: Larry Loyie
The book you wrote Where Thr Riverss Flow, is a really well written book. I loved it and all the detail you put in it. It was a really good book, I loved it so much. Thanks for coming in and talking to us about your childhood and how you were taken to residential schooling.
In the book as long as the river flows I thought you were very brave going through what you were forced to do. If that was me I would not have been as brave as you because I can't imagine what it would be like. I'm really impressed you took control of your life and became a writer after what the government did to you. You have taught me a lot in this book and I think you r doing a great job with it.
If I were in your shoes I would feel horrible if I were taken away from the ones I love.If I was taken away from the ones I love like my mom and dad,I would cry every single day.Your parents would have made the right choice because if they went to jail ,you would have nowhere to go so they would just send you to the school. It would be really hard to not speak my very own language ,but I would try hard not to so that I would not get beat up.It would also be really hard not to give a dirty look in the picture.I would be really upset if I were in your shoes.
Larry's visit was very informing and a great learning experience. It really opened my eyes to the past. I was amazed that Larry was able to keep calm about something so tragic almost being tears myself, just hearing some thing so heart felt like it. It made me realize that even our wonderful country has had many flaws in the past.
FROM SWAN HILLS SCHOOL, Division 1-K-3 – Thank You Address
Thank you for letting us enjoy your stories and for sharing your life with us. We liked when your grandma shot the biggest grizzly bear. We learned that you speak a different language. We also learned that you had difference medicine than us. You used plants and rat roots for medicine. We liked how you used tobacco to than the earth for making plants. We enjoyed the pictures in your story. Thank you for your book.
Note that Larry and Constance also received a huge package of feedback and art from the students of the Swan Hills School. You students are wonderful!
ANOTHER MEMORABLE EMAIL: Independent Studies Program (adults)
I am a volunteer literacy tutor in the Independent Studies program for adults with developmental disabilities at Frontier College in Toronto.
This year our book club students chose to read As Long as the Rivers Flow. It was a challenging read for them but your words are so poignant and so well represented in the beautiful illustrations that I think the students were truly moved by your story. I certainly was.
Thank you for sharing this very important story. If ever you are in Toronto, you will be a welcome guest at Frontier College.