Tuesday, January 04, 2011

New for 2011 from Larry Loyie aboriginal children's books

Hi to everyone for 2011.

Larry and Constance focused on family and health for much of 2011.

All is well, and we are lining up plans for 2011. We have several school visits in the next few months, and welcome your inquiries. Our email address is: livingtradition@telus.net

Watch for:

The Moon Speaks Cree, a new illustrated children's book from Theytus (www.theytus.com. Out in September 2011. A winter adventure, set in Cree country.

When the Spirits Dance, now out in paper cover from Theytus. Larry Loyie writes about his Cree family and how traditional life begins to change during the Second World War ... a new look and great feel!

As Long as the Rivers Flow, still in print (Groundwood), a bestseller since 2002. A classic by Larry Loyie about his last summer learning traditional Aboriginal skills before being taken to residential school. Once you read this, make sure you read the sequel, Goodbye Buffalo Bay

Goodbye Buffalo Bay (Theytus), Larry Loyie's chapter book about his time in residential school... and moving on. If you haven't read this yet, you are missing a true, dramatic, funny, compassionate view into a true story of residential school

The Gathering Tree, Larry Loyie's bestselling book about HIV awareness and prevention.

More soon... Larry and Constance

2011 Photos from Larry Loyie and Constance Brissenden

We are working on this. Watch for photos from 2010, coming soon. Larry and Constance